
Holy Trinity Lent Recollection 2025

Prayers for RCIA Elect 2025


How to do: Mass Offerings

Mass offering envelopes can be obtained from counter near lift lobby.
The contribution is $10 per person or per intention.
Kindly note that all intentions submitted are offered up for Mass, whether or not the names are displayed on notice board.

There are three ways you could make the Mass offering:

1) Mass offering envelopes can be found at the foyer of the church.
The envelopes can be dropped into the metal cabinet located at the notice board area.
Another person can offering on your behalf as well.

2) Cheque made payable to ‘Church of the Holy Trinity’.
Kindly include:

  1. The intention of the offering (Soul, Special Intention or Thanksgiving).
  2. The name of the person the Mass is offered for.
  3. The date and time of the Mass to be offered.

You can drop the cheque and your intentions into the metal cabinet located at the notice board area.

3) PayNow via church’s UEN – T08CC4049A
Please submit your Paynow 2 weeks in advance and email to for us to process your Mass offering.
In the app, under remarks, please indicate the following:

  • “MC”, for Mass Collections.
  • “MO”, for Mass Offering with intentions; followed by 1 of 3 acronyms for the intention(s):
    a. S (Soul)
    b. SI (Special Intention)
    c. T (Thanksgiving)
  • Followed by the person’s name for which the Mass is offered for and the date of Mass.

This means the Paynow is for collection during mass.

MO SI, Tan Chew Lan, 13.06.22
This means the Paynow is for Mass Offering with Special Intention for Tan Chew Lan, to be offered on 13th June 2022.



Church Weddings

Arrangements for a Church wedding should be made at least a year in advance.
This would give the couple adequate time to attend either a Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) or an Engaged Encounter weekend (EE).

Obtain application forms or book your wedding dates at the parish office.
For clarifications, please contact the parish office at 6784 2332
or email

Devotions & Faith Formation

Hour of Prayer
Time: 8:00pm, 1st & 3rd Monday (Except Public Holidays and Solemnities)
Venue: Chapel @ Holy Trinity
Description: Join us for an hour of reflection and prayer as we intercede for the needs of the World, the Universal Church, and the Parish

– Christian Meditation
Time: Every Tues 8pm
Venue: Room 8
Description: Join us for prayer meditation.

– RCIA Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults (English)
Current journey: May 2023- April 2024 [Closed]
Next Journey: 6 June 2024 – April 2025
Thursday, 7:45pm – 9:30pm
Saturday, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
(Except Public Holidays and Solemnities)

Description: This is a journey of faith for non-catholics seeking to know more about the Catholic faith.

Parish Office 6784 2332

-Divine Mercy Devotion
Time: Fridays at 8:00pm (Except Public Holidays and Solemnities)
Venue: Chapel @ Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity Youth
Time: Saturday, 10:00am – 12:00noon (Except Public Holidays and Solemnities)
Enquires:  Parish Office 6784 2332



General Donations

  • PayNow UEN – T08CC4049A
  • Cheque – “Church of the Holy Trinity”

Donations to SSVP

  • Cheque – “SSVP Holy Trinity”

Cash donations may also be made at the Parish Office during office hours, please request a receipt.