Catechetical (Youth) Ministry

Recent Confirmation Retreat done by Catechetical (Youth) Ministry

We are committed to journeying with the youths to deepen and strengthen their faith to be Christ-centred individuals in their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

As said by Pope Paul VI that “man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses” (Evangelii Nuntiandi, #41).

  • Enjoy befriending the teens?
  • Open to share your faith story and journey with others?
  • Want to make the “learning of our faith” more relatable and fun?


Come and be a witness of Christ by evangelising and catechising to the youth through catechetical sessions, community-in-action activities, retreats, discipleship programme and more!


Ways to be a witness!

Catechists & Catechetical Assistants

  • 18 years and above
  • Received all initiation Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist

Or simply be a Youth Catechetical Trainee after Confirmation for a year!


Confirmation Level Catechetical Sessions:

Time: Sundays, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Venue: Level 2 classrooms


Contact: Coordinator Petrina Lim –

Catechetical (Primary) Ministry

A few members of our catechetical team at our parish feastday food fair.

We are a community of practising Catholics who is ready to learn and transmit the teachings of the Catholic Church. We endeavour to bear witness to the teachings of the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church especially to the children who come for catechism.

We conduct catechism sessions for 8 groups of children : pre-primary (3 to 6 year old Superkids), levels 1 to 6 and Special Needs (the Special Lambs.)

Catechetical sessions take place on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings except during term breaks usually in March, around June and towards end November and the month of December:


Session I Levels 4/5/6  2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Session II Levels 1/2/3  3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Superkids  4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.



Session I Levels 3/5/6   8:30 a.m. to   9:45 a.m.
Session II Levels 1/2/4 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Special Lambs   9:00 a.m. to   9:45 a.m.


Our significant upcoming events for year 2023 are :

  1. First Sacrament of Reconciliation for Level 2 on 26 August 2023
  2. Sacrament of Reconciliation for level 3 on 28 October 2023
  3. First Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for mainly level 3 children on 4 November 2023
  4. Church camp for levels 5 and 6 in November 2023
  5. Masses and Eucharistic Adoration to be attended by the children and Special Lambs.

We invite any parishioner who loves to share about Jesus and likes interacting with children to join our catechetical ministry. What we need is your willingness to commit your presence and talents to serve the children in our parish.

For catechism (primary) related enquiries, coordinator Bernadette Tay ( would be pleased to assist. Or call or leave her a message on her handphone 97713738.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

What We Do:

If you are curious about the Catholic faith or seeking deeper meaning in life, you might find your answer in the RCIA journey at the Church of Holy Trinity.

The RCIA is a journey of discovery who Jesus is and who we really are, and begin to understand this deep relationship with God whom we are called to.

Through Catechesis (teaching), Personal sharing (testimonies), Scripture reflection, Prayers and Songs, you will get to see and experience what the Catholic Church teaches on faith, belief and practices. Come and see a community of believers, the Church instituted by Christ himself, echoing His words down for almost 2000 years.

In this 1 year’s RCIA journey, we will walk with you to encounter Christ and experience the Catholic community with the possibility of receiving baptism (Inquirers), or be received (Christians of other denomination) into our Catholic faith.

If you are a Catholic and wish to further deepen your Catholic faith, we warmly extend the invite, to answer God’s call and discover His plan for you. Become a sponsor, or companion, and come walk with our Inquirers together!

Come, and see!


Meeting Details:

Every Thursday, 7.45pm – 9.30pm

Current journey started on 6 June 2024 (Application is closed for this journey.)

Next journey will begin on 19 June/July 2025 (Keep a lookout for the new registration opening date in 2025)

For queries, please email