Choral Music Ministry

The Choral Music Ministry comprises of five English weekend mass choirs, which joyfully praise and worship God through the gift of song.

Our main role is to inspire and lead the congregation in the singing of hymns and other musical responses during mass, so as to help parishioners experience a deeper and more participative Eucharistic liturgical service.

We sing for the following Masses:

  • Saturday 5.30pm
  • Sunday 6.45am
  • Sunday 10.15am
  • Sunday 12.00pm
  • Sunday 5.30pm

We also sing at special feast days and public holiday masses.

If you are gifted musically, love singing, or play a keyboard, we warmly welcome you to join us!

Contact Audrey at: 92263334.

Extraordinary Ministers (EMs) of Holy Communion

We are lay people commissioned to assist our priests in distributing Holy Communion at Mass.

What we do:

  • We assist in distributing Holy Communion at Mass
  • We also work with the Pastoral Care of the Infirm (PCI) Ministry to bring Holy Communion to house-bound parishioners


Lectors Ministry

The lectors proclaim the word of God at weekday and weekend masses after careful preparation during weekly Breaking of the Word (BoW) sessions, so that those who hear the Word of God may be inspired to live out their daily lives in a more Christ-like manner. The lectors also prepare the weekly Prayers of the Faithful for masses.

On top of their liturgical duties, the lectors actively participate in church activities and collaborate with other ministries.

– Baptised, practising Catholics
– Persons of faith, well acquainted with scripture
– Must enjoy speech, reading, and is able to convey the message to the people of God

Meeting Day/Time: Thursdays 8 – 9.30pm
Venue: Church
Mass commitment: Weekday and Weekend masses as rostered

Please indicate your interest to be contacted for an audition at:

You may also leave your contact details with the Parish Office for us to get in touch with you.

Hospitality Ministry

Hospitality Ministry is committed to assisting everyone in our parish to have a pleasant, meaningful, and spiritually enriching experience Mass service.

The members are expected to exhibit a genuine love in warmly welcoming parishioners and serve as role models for upholding reverence and appropriate decorum during the service.
Our key responsibilities include:
– Ushering and welcoming parishioners.
– Offertory collection.
– Distribution of necessary Church’s materials.
– Exemplifying reverence and reminding parishioners to maintain a reverent attitude.
– Assisting safety, health and emergency concerns in the Church.

Timings of our ministry
-Regular weekend masses
-Days of obligation (Ascension, Assumption, All Saints, Christmas)
-Public Holiday masses (e.g. New Year, Chinese New Year, National Day, etc.)
-Special masses (e.g. Holy Communion, Confirmation)
-Penitential Services.

Venue: Main Church or any places where we are needed

Contact personnel and info:
Agus Wiwanto – 98956438 –
Anna Hervas – 91899645 –
Brent Bermudez – 93763465 –

Our dress code is white top / collared shirt (for gents) and dark pants/skirt to be worn with a church-provided red sash. All Hospitality Ministers on duty should come an hour before Mass starts



The Knights of the Altar

Server bonding camp 2023

Servers after Maundy Thursday Mass 2023

The Knights of the Altar is a ministry that consists of altar servers who partake in the Liturgy of the Mass. The main role of an altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass. Apart from serving during the Mass, we are a community of brothers in Christ who consistently grow our faith through prayer.

What we do:

  • Assist the celebrant in tasks during the Mass like carrying the cross and candle during the procession, laying of the Altar, presenting of the wine and water during the preparation of the gifts, etc.
  • Carry out canteen duty a few times a year which includes setting up tables and chairs, serving food and drinks and cleaning up the canteen and parish hall.
  • Hold monthly bonding days so as to promote interactions among servers and foster better friendships between them.


Our mission, “Ad Servum Deo Soli”, which translates to “To serve God alone”, reminds us that we are to focus on serving for the glory of God instead of other tangible incentives.

Requirements to join the ministry:

  • Males aged 8-14
  • Attends masses regularly
  • Has a passion to serve God with all his heart


If you feel called to serve in this ministry, kindly contact:

 Gerard Jofi (President): 98345874

Johan Raj (Vice-President): 81264721


Instagram: @holytrinity.knights