Catholic Praying Mothers

Catholic Praying Mothers is an Intercessory Ministry and it has 27 members. Our intercession involves interceding for the Universal Church, for the Sick, Holy Souls in Purgatory, World Peace, Vocations, for Our Children & Grandchildren…etc! We begin with an Opening Prayer, Praise & Worship, Intercession ( reciting the Rosary ) Thanksgiving Prayer & ending with a song.

We are involved in Canteen duties, Parish Hour of Prayer, Feast Day Celebrations, A Day of Recollection, we visit St Joseph’s Church during Lent to pray and mediate on the Stations of the Cross, annually we visit the Aged Homes to bring Christmas cheer to the elderly with singing of Christmas Carols & gifts.

Timing of our ministry:

  •     10am – 12pm


  •   Room 16 on Thursday

Contact personnel and info:

  1. Maureen Ferrao-96422900
  2. Jenny Yam – 96205687


  1. A Passion for Prayer

Upcoming events:

  • Visiting of Aged Homes in December to bring Christmas Cheer to the elderly.

Charismatic Prayer Community (CPC)

The Charismatic Prayer Community was formed in 2002 to foster a conducive environment to encounter God, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Through the help of the Holy Spirit we seek to renew and strengthen fellow Catholics to live out a full Christian life and mission.

What we do:
• We glorify God through praise and worship, Masses, intercessions, ministering, testimonials, prayers of healing and breaking of the Word
• We also organise sharing, teaching, formation programmes, retreats and Life in the Spirit’ seminars

Connect with us through our Facebook page for our programme updates.

The Holy Family Rosary Devotion Group

All are welcome to invite the Holy Family Shrine to your home

Our ministry was established since the Church of Holy Trinity started in 1990.

We honour the presence of the Holy Family of Nazareth through our weekly devotion prayers at the homes of our parishioners.  Every week, our Holy Family Shrine will stay on with the family for 7 days to pray the rosary.

Our Mission-to cultivate a spiritual prayer journey with the presence of Jesus, praying fervently for the intercession of Mother Mary and seeking St Joseph for protection of families.

Our Vision- All-time favourite prayer in our parishioner’s home. We believe that praying together brings love and unity within the family and helps to strengthen community spirit in church.

“We pray because we strongly believe that…

the FAMILY that PRAYS together STAYS together”

Sunday – Collection and transferring of Holy Family Shrine to another home at 3pm followed by an hour of prayer with the family (within Tampines, Simei and Pasir Ris areas only).

All prayer materials are provided by church, you only need to provide a table to set up the Holy Family Shrine.

You will find details on the home that Holy Family is staying.. on the Church’s weekly bulletin or contact us.

Spiritual Director :Fr Joe Dinesh

Julliana Yeo Hp: 94468890

Maureen Tok Hp: 90156826



Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary was founded in 1921 by the Servant of God, Franck Duff, in Dublin, Ireland. Our objective is for the personal sanctification of its members through prayers and spiritual exercises like retreats and seminars. Legionaries live an apostolic life through prayer and work in the spirit of Mary so that others may experience the love of Christ and encounter Him personally.

What we do:
• We visit homes for the aged, hospitals and homes of parishioners asking for prayers
• We actively participate in all functions, programmes and initiatives of the church




Christian Meditation

We are part of the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM), which is headquartered in London, headed by spiritual director Fr Laurence Freeman and locally coordinated by Peter Ng. We have 32 groups in Singapore spread out among parishes, homes, hospitals and prisons.

What we do:
• We teach and support the practice of Christian Meditation taught by Fr John Main OSB
• A simple method of contemplative prayer – Be still and know that I am God




Divine Mercy

We are Divine Mercy Apostolate spreading the message of God’s Love and Mercy in our weekly devotion.

What we do:
• We chant the Chaplet and Praises, and reflect a paragraph from St. Faustina’s Dairy.
• We pray for the salvation of souls, especially the sick and dying.
• Our mission is to carry out the works of mercy and be compassionate to others by our Deeds, Words and Prayers.
• We conduct the 9 Day Novena to Divine Mercy from Good Friday to the Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday, in the chapel or on zoom.
• We pray and mentor the parish level 9 Confirmands during their attachment for the Salt & Light Project.
• We organise a Day of Recollection once a year.

Social Activities:
We have Potluck, serve in canteen duty, and outings (Lenten Journey in Lent, and pilgrimage outside S’pore.)

Venue for Devotion: HT Chapel
• Divine Mercy Devotion is held every Friday at 8 pm except on public holidays.

All are welcome!

Contact: Patricia Eber
Email :


Sodality Prayer Group

The Sodality of Holy Souls Ministry supports bereaved families at wake prayers for the departed souls and their beloved families. Members volunteer whenever a wake happens as we arrange for prayers usually held in the evenings. Wake prayers may be located at funeral parlours or HDB void decks and transport is provided when necessary. Families have been most appreciative of our participation at these wakes. We also meet up for fellowship activities occasionally.

For those interested for more information are welcome to contact:

Parish office –