Hospitality Ministry

Hospitality Ministry is committed to assisting everyone in our parish to have a pleasant, meaningful, and spiritually enriching experience Mass service.

The members are expected to exhibit a genuine love in warmly welcoming parishioners and serve as role models for upholding reverence and appropriate decorum during the service.
Our key responsibilities include:
– Ushering and welcoming parishioners.
– Offertory collection.
– Distribution of necessary Church’s materials.
– Exemplifying reverence and reminding parishioners to maintain a reverent attitude.
– Assisting safety, health and emergency concerns in the Church.

Timings of our ministry
-Regular weekend masses
-Days of obligation (Ascension, Assumption, All Saints, Christmas)
-Public Holiday masses (e.g. New Year, Chinese New Year, National Day, etc.)
-Special masses (e.g. Holy Communion, Confirmation)
-Penitential Services.

Venue: Main Church or any places where we are needed

Contact personnel and info:
Agus Wiwanto – 98956438 –
Anna Hervas – 91899645 –
Brent Bermudez – 93763465 –

Our dress code is white top / collared shirt (for gents) and dark pants/skirt to be worn with a church-provided red sash. All Hospitality Ministers on duty should come an hour before Mass starts