
What to do in event of death?

1) Obtain a Certificate of Cause of Death:

At hospital – a doctor at the hospital can certify and issue a Certificate of Cause of Death.

At home – contact a family doctor to certify the death.
If no doctor is available, call the Police.  They will send the body to the Centre for Forensic Medicine.
Bring all medical documents and medicines consumed by the deceased along with the identification card of the informant and deceased.


2) Engage a funeral director:

Some questions for you to ponder before calling any casket company:

  • When and where will the wake be held?
  • Duration of the wake?
  • Burial or cremation? If cremated, where will the niche be? (Please contact the Parish to arrange the funeral mass/service before confirming cremation/burial slot with NEA)
  • Any required amenities at wake?

Inform funeral director where the body is located and whether death has been certified by a doctor.


3) Contact Parish Secretariat at 6784 2332 to arrange:

  • Availability of priest
  • Date and time of Mass/service
  • Mass proceedings such as readings, animator, choir, altar servers, eulogy, etc.
  • Death certificate and baptism certificate of the deceased for verification purposes


4) Confirm the cremation/burial time with funeral director.



For Columbarium/Interment Matters

Please contact the parish office
Tel: 6784 2332

Policy for Funerals in the Archdiocese of Singapore

Funerals are often a time of distress for families and arrangements under these circumstances can be challenging while having to coordinate with multiple parties across multiple issues.
The Archdiocese of Singapore in helping to streamline the course of action for families of the deceased is establishing broad principles which would assist the families.

  1. In principle, the funeral will normally be arranged at the parish of the deceased, determined by the parish that he/she had been attending normally for Masses and liturgical services.
  2. In case of dispute, the territorial parish will assume responsibility for the funeral.
  3. The parish secretary will assist in sourcing for the parish’s priest, or other priests if none are available, for the families to conduct funeral rites.
  4. Before arranging funeral and cremation timing, contact the parish concerned first to confirm availability of the priest.
  5. In the event the parish contacted is not the parish of the deceased, it would be the secretary’s duty to forward information to the relevant parish and inform the families concerned.
  6. Logistics in relation to the funeral day and its rites can be directed to the parish conducting the funeral (i.e. mass readings, choir, altar servers).
  7. If the parish venue is not available, the parish will arrange for an alternative venue.
  8. In exceptional cases, the funeral mass can be held at the wake venue.


Updated: 27th October 2021